Arms Akimbo
I think I got a gamer handle now. Cat let it slip and I tried it on and it felt right somehow. Now it sounds dumb. But that's what I think about any handle that might or might not be mine. It is Akimbo. Akimbo? What the hell? I like it because it sort of describes how I play at times, with flailing limbs. And since people always say "arms akimbo" then I could be in a room with a bunch of guns and say "arms, Akimbo." Then I would launch a multitude of obscenities under my breath while taking down a particularly fiesty Elite. Does it sound cool now?
It's not permanent yet, but it's getting there. Also, Halo 2 on Legendary is by far the most difficult piece of electronic entertainment I have ever experienced. Instead of entertainment I could easily consider it a torturous road of unending firefights with no hope of relief. And in co-op mode, your teammate doesn't respawn! You just die! The only reason to keep playing is the challenge and the chance to say that I beat Halo 2 on Legendary, which has that much more intimidation in it after actually experiencing the game. We didn't even make it past the first level.
It's not permanent yet, but it's getting there. Also, Halo 2 on Legendary is by far the most difficult piece of electronic entertainment I have ever experienced. Instead of entertainment I could easily consider it a torturous road of unending firefights with no hope of relief. And in co-op mode, your teammate doesn't respawn! You just die! The only reason to keep playing is the challenge and the chance to say that I beat Halo 2 on Legendary, which has that much more intimidation in it after actually experiencing the game. We didn't even make it past the first level.
At 2:58 PM, May 04, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Chris--I know almost nothing about these "handles" and "vid-ee-o" games you speak of. But akimbo is one of my many favorite words. And ESPECIALLY arms akimbo. Arms, Akimbo. I support.
At 11:26 PM, May 04, 2005,
Anonymous said…
At 8:54 AM, May 05, 2005,
Class of 2000 officers said…
the way you just described it, i think for the first time i wish i could play video games. the kind with more that 5 button, even.
damn you ADHD!
Arms Akimbo is only slightly annoying to me right now but don't worry this always happens. wait...
Yep, i dig. in fact, i think there might be some blood lust happening in me right now. play on mothafrs.
At 12:42 PM, May 05, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Yet you don't really like dual-wielding...
All in all I think Akimbo is a good handle. But you neglect to mention that you already have a handle. I have also never heard anyone say "arms akimbo."
I give Akimbo the thumbs-up.
At 1:29 PM, May 05, 2005,
Monsterbeard said…
Bob, that link just makes the name that much better. I had no idea.
I think you could hear "arms akimbo" on the presentation of national dance competitions.
anyone has the power to play video games. just let the bloodlust take you.
At 8:13 PM, May 06, 2005,
Seth said…
Arms Akimbo sounds like the name of one of those background aliens on Star Wars that wouldn't be important except someone made an action figure of them.
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