Remote Command
No haircut, still. Arrgh. This is just like buying shoes. Impossible. Maybe tomorrow. A nice Orlando Bloom look. Yup.
I'm having a serious issue at home. My remote control. For a while now the 1 and the 4 buttons have been a bit... touchy. Sometimes I could just push them, sometimes I would have to mash them down. It wasn't too bad until recently. The 4 has become a bastion of rebellion, requiring intense pressure for any sort of response. And I think the rebellion has spread, because now 5, previously thought to be a stalwart supporter of my will, has begun acting up. There's no telling how far the rebellion might spread. I may have no choice but to leave the tv on at all times, if the power button leaves me. I must plan my defenses.
Things are running smoothly.
I'm having a serious issue at home. My remote control. For a while now the 1 and the 4 buttons have been a bit... touchy. Sometimes I could just push them, sometimes I would have to mash them down. It wasn't too bad until recently. The 4 has become a bastion of rebellion, requiring intense pressure for any sort of response. And I think the rebellion has spread, because now 5, previously thought to be a stalwart supporter of my will, has begun acting up. There's no telling how far the rebellion might spread. I may have no choice but to leave the tv on at all times, if the power button leaves me. I must plan my defenses.
Things are running smoothly.
At 11:18 AM, September 13, 2007,
Sweet T said…
You know my feelings on the Orlando Bloom look... yummy (what). Oh and about the remote... you will think twice before you cross me again! Bwah ha ha. How did you know that I would go for the power button next?
At 10:42 PM, September 13, 2007,
Class of 2000 officers said…
i thought of your remote problems today while I was juggling the microwave into the basement to plug it into our only working outlet...
i'm not trying to win, it just happens.
orlando bloom is a bit of a fairy in the movie i am watching right now. a literal fairy. but Viggo ... now there's a hairdo I can get on board with, so to speak.
negative nancy
At 4:13 PM, September 14, 2007,
Seth said…
I've been putting off getting a haircut too. I'm just cheap and like to get as much mileage out of the last one as I can.
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