locks of short hair
I just found out that Locks of Love requires a donation hair length of at least ten inches. There's no way I can ever grow my hair that long. Right now my ponytail is around six, but that's just a rough estimate because, frankly, it's hard to measure the length of something stuck to the back of your head.
I don't really want short hair anymore, at least not without a good cause, but I dont' really like the overall messiness and unprofessionalness of my current hair either. I think it is pretty hard for a guy to look professional with hair over his shoulders. Am I right? Help me, Miracle Grow!
You know what would be a bad gamer handle? Monkeybites. Seriously. That's the name you give your friend who is the punching bag of the group. Monkeybites. Or Monkey Pox. Really anything that refers to you as the byproduct of being around monkeys is probably pretty bad.
I don't really want short hair anymore, at least not without a good cause, but I dont' really like the overall messiness and unprofessionalness of my current hair either. I think it is pretty hard for a guy to look professional with hair over his shoulders. Am I right? Help me, Miracle Grow!
You know what would be a bad gamer handle? Monkeybites. Seriously. That's the name you give your friend who is the punching bag of the group. Monkeybites. Or Monkey Pox. Really anything that refers to you as the byproduct of being around monkeys is probably pretty bad.
At 2:19 AM, May 06, 2005,
shorttallnotatall said…
i bet you could do ten, honestly. also, i feel like it was badname night on xbox live this day. seriously. highlights include: "painfulerection," "nuts2yachin," and my personal favorite, "ASSPENNIES."
thank you, and goodnight.
At 2:47 AM, May 06, 2005,
Anonymous said…
You didn't mention that I have a handle, too, Akimbo. Is it Akimbo?
And what about Autobot? That was a handle.
Akimbo makes me think of a few words, like "Kim", which makes me think of Kimmy Gibler, which makes me think "bimbo" (also sounds like Akimbo), and which makes me think of "Jimbo." Akimbo seems like a pet name for someone named some other, longer name which I am too tired to think of.
Yossarian, which feels like a one-joke handle, has grown on me.
Until we meet again, may you always have needlers akimbo.
At 12:09 PM, May 06, 2005,
Anonymous said…
chris, if you want your hair to grow faster, you need to get trims. trims = faster growing hair. i promise. i really really promise. fancy pants is an excellent trimmer and she would probably do it for free.
also you may want to eat more protein. hair is protein. gross.
At 9:32 PM, May 06, 2005,
crankin said…
chrisy... jess meyer is right... the more you trim... the more you grow... trust me, i know, because i have no hair. i might have to agree with your theory that it is hard to look professional (as a man) with hair below your shoulders. it might help if you blow-dryed and straighted, but that might just cause you more problems than having 'unprofessional' looking hair. you following what i am saying?
At 8:12 PM, May 08, 2005,
Sweet T said…
Aww...look at all of the supporters. Akimbo is great. Long hair will happen. We know that I am afraid to trim your hair b/c your crazy but I am still willing. Colleen knows a lot... she has the opposite thing, which is actually the same thing, going on.
At 2:49 PM, May 09, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Remember when I gave you a haircut?
Chris, you should have your hair professionally cut at a salon. They can shape your hair and make you look more professional. Your hair will also grow faster afterward.
In the video editing world, I would think that having long hair is not a disqualification. But the hair must be kempt. I.e., not unkempt.
Getting a trim from a friend will not help with your main problem, which is the overall messiness and unprofessionalness of the current hair.
Here's a funny quote. "Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him?"
At 2:34 PM, May 11, 2005,
Sweet T said…
Your hair is fine... now update.
At 6:56 PM, May 12, 2005,
Anonymous said…
I like you with the medium length Jim Morrison-type hair. Also, Locks of Love will take your hair even if it is not all ten inches all the way around, but they reserve the right to sell the shorter bits.
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