Remotes are uncomfortable to hold for long periods of time
Sorry it has taken so long to return. After a week in Hurricane Alley, we have returned, but the internet in Athens wasn't working too good yesterday so we had to wait till now.
Bob covered the Hurricane pretty well. All the interesting parts at least. Bigger and better news arrived while we were disconnected (connected at 56k) from the digital world we feed off of. Nintendo revealed what it's next controller will be, and it was a surprise for everyone, and a disappointment for most. Here, take a look and tell me what you think. It's a controller that acts in a three dimensional space around your TV. Definitely making video games more immersive, but more fun? That we don't know yet.
I haven't really caught up on anything yet. It's noon here and I thought wasting my time on the internet would go faster somehow, but it hasn't. John Roberts is going through confirmation. What do you think of him? I don't think there's a serious danger in the repeal of Roe v. Wade. However, have you ever considered what would happen if it were repealed? Do I want it repealed? I don't really. I'd rather have realistic discussions on the consequences of an abortion, both for mother and child. Just because they're legal doesn't mean they're safe.
Let's not get into a heated debate about abortion. Is that ok? Or is that what you were planning? You were, weren't you. You always do this, it's always about you and what you think and your needs.
I'm reading a book right now called A Continent for the Taking: The Tragedy and Hope of Africa by Howard French. It's sad because Africa sucks and I can't see it getting better. This takes me back to Robert Mugabe, among others. But no outsider can ever change Africa. And how can Africa change if its leaders are born into the same system of fend for yourself again and again? Nelson Mandela and South Africa are truly the exception. And all of the different peoples of South Africa could band together against the white Afrikaans (is that the right word?). And anyone trying to do some good gets arrested or murdered by those trying to stay in power. That is difficult.
We'll get back to this. I'll get back to you. My mom bought a Nintendo DS and Nintendogs so now we have a virtual pet to ignore in addition to our real pets (all except Honey, who is spoiled).
It turns out there is hope for Africa after all, at least a little: Celebrity Initiatives
Bob covered the Hurricane pretty well. All the interesting parts at least. Bigger and better news arrived while we were disconnected (connected at 56k) from the digital world we feed off of. Nintendo revealed what it's next controller will be, and it was a surprise for everyone, and a disappointment for most. Here, take a look and tell me what you think. It's a controller that acts in a three dimensional space around your TV. Definitely making video games more immersive, but more fun? That we don't know yet.
I haven't really caught up on anything yet. It's noon here and I thought wasting my time on the internet would go faster somehow, but it hasn't. John Roberts is going through confirmation. What do you think of him? I don't think there's a serious danger in the repeal of Roe v. Wade. However, have you ever considered what would happen if it were repealed? Do I want it repealed? I don't really. I'd rather have realistic discussions on the consequences of an abortion, both for mother and child. Just because they're legal doesn't mean they're safe.
Let's not get into a heated debate about abortion. Is that ok? Or is that what you were planning? You were, weren't you. You always do this, it's always about you and what you think and your needs.
I'm reading a book right now called A Continent for the Taking: The Tragedy and Hope of Africa by Howard French. It's sad because Africa sucks and I can't see it getting better. This takes me back to Robert Mugabe, among others. But no outsider can ever change Africa. And how can Africa change if its leaders are born into the same system of fend for yourself again and again? Nelson Mandela and South Africa are truly the exception. And all of the different peoples of South Africa could band together against the white Afrikaans (is that the right word?). And anyone trying to do some good gets arrested or murdered by those trying to stay in power. That is difficult.
We'll get back to this. I'll get back to you. My mom bought a Nintendo DS and Nintendogs so now we have a virtual pet to ignore in addition to our real pets (all except Honey, who is spoiled).
It turns out there is hope for Africa after all, at least a little: Celebrity Initiatives
At 12:35 PM, September 23, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Ye of little faith. When will you learn to trust Nintendo. They may be bad at business, marketing, 3rd- and 2nd-party support, but their consoles, controllers, and first-party games are the best.
Although I'd probably take an XBox S Controller over the GameCube controller. The Revolution controller will prove itself.
I like Judge Pirate Roberts. He and I share a name. (Robert.) I don't like all of his decisions, or necessarily agree with his way of interpreting the constitution, but he's not Clarence Thomas.
At 10:09 PM, September 25, 2005,
Anonymous said…
I keep meaning to kick in this tidbit: most of my law professors are of the opinion that Roberts is definitely a Rehnquist but not a Thomas or Scalia. It would be better to have a true moderate rather than a true conservative, but thems the breaks.
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