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08 September 2005

Someday I Will Shoot You

I need a way to help hurricane victims. I don't want to give money because there are people with more who have given enough. I can't go down there because I'm not a trained Red Cross volunteer. And I can't offer anyone to stay at my home because Ohio feels too far away. And it's not my home anyway.

So what do I do? What have you done? I haven't done anything, which hurts to say but there's no way around it. I'm not sure what to do. How much money is enough?

And at the same time, I'm thinking of buying a computer. My computer is now about 5-6 years old, which is archaic in computer terms. Most computers become obsolete after 3 years, which sucks. And I am looking into possibly moving to Grand Rapids, MI and Columbus, OH. Not both. Just one or the other. It's an exciting time.

Here's a letter that Talya sent me. I really don't like Michael Moore and looking at his website kinda makes me sick, but he has some good points sometimes. He just goes a little overboard. Sometimes he can't see the forest for the trees, if I'm using that expression correctly. And Bob recently posted about the hurricane response, which I enjoyed reading (Unrelated: check out the tshirts).

On Saturday I go on another vacation for another week. This has been my most traveled year ever. In January alone I took three airplane trips: To Texas, Palm Springs, and St. John. But now back to the shore, where the beach will disappear in less than 100 years. For reals.

If I have anything interesting, I'll update before then. For those of you into iPods, check out the newest one at apple.com.


  • At 7:18 AM, September 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Chris, have you checked out the Red Cross near you? I am sure you can get your certifications soon. Plus give as much as you, every little bit counts. Does your parents offices' do the match thing? If so, give your parents the money and they can give it and double it. I plan on giving money to Matt because his company is probably going to, or at least I can give it to his dad but I can only give like $25.


  • At 12:46 PM, September 09, 2005, Blogger shorttallnotatall said…

    hey chris. if you want, the law school is doing this fundraiser where the law professors donated a bunch of their time, money or both. for example, i won a silent auction to have dinner with two of my friends and one of my professors, and all the money will go to the red cross. but! what you might be interested in is another professor is offering to match, so if you only want to donate twenty bucks or so, it'll be forty instead. if you want to give me some money, i'll put it in that professor's donation box.

  • At 11:06 PM, September 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    At the hospital where I work, they are offering training videos that "qualify" someone to help out at any Red Cross shelter. I will find out next week what it involves and let you know, but it doesn't sound too difficult.

  • At 5:39 PM, September 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…



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