We'll Make a Man Out of You Yet
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury:
Two weeks ago, my father and I felled a tree. Felled a tree. Truth be told, a chainsaw and gravity did most of the work. Well, technically all the work, but it was still exhilarating. Then we had to chop the tree up. At first I thought, I want to be manly and use an axe. None of this motorized blade stuff. Let me tell you something, using an axe is really freaking hard. Back-breaking work. So after a few branches were hacked off, I switched to the chainsaw and watched the dust fly (the sawdust). And if I thought taking the branches off a fallen tree was hard, it's nothing compared to chopping wood. When that axe is driven into that log and you see it split down the middle, it is a satisfying achievement that we have lost in this age of machinations and steam power. Now I know what it was like for Abe Lincoln, growing up in a Midwest without pavement or cars or hydraulic log splitters. If you want to know what living is about, try chopping logs into quarters.
It felt good.
exhibit B:
There are two movies that I am especially excited about this fall, not including The Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Rent (I'm not sorry), and The Constant Gardener. Wow. Anyway, you should really look at Serenity, which is a sci-fi movie from Joss Whedon, who is important to lots of people (the man wrote Toy Story!). The most intriguing part: the government is called the Alliance, the Sino-American Alliance, also known as, in the future China and the US have united to rule the world. Is he right? He just might be.
The other movie you should really really look at, I can't imagine that it won't be good, is Jarhead directed by Sam Mendes and starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Jamie Foxx, among others.
Two weeks ago, my father and I felled a tree. Felled a tree. Truth be told, a chainsaw and gravity did most of the work. Well, technically all the work, but it was still exhilarating. Then we had to chop the tree up. At first I thought, I want to be manly and use an axe. None of this motorized blade stuff. Let me tell you something, using an axe is really freaking hard. Back-breaking work. So after a few branches were hacked off, I switched to the chainsaw and watched the dust fly (the sawdust). And if I thought taking the branches off a fallen tree was hard, it's nothing compared to chopping wood. When that axe is driven into that log and you see it split down the middle, it is a satisfying achievement that we have lost in this age of machinations and steam power. Now I know what it was like for Abe Lincoln, growing up in a Midwest without pavement or cars or hydraulic log splitters. If you want to know what living is about, try chopping logs into quarters.
It felt good.
exhibit B:
There are two movies that I am especially excited about this fall, not including The Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Rent (I'm not sorry), and The Constant Gardener. Wow. Anyway, you should really look at Serenity, which is a sci-fi movie from Joss Whedon, who is important to lots of people (the man wrote Toy Story!). The most intriguing part: the government is called the Alliance, the Sino-American Alliance, also known as, in the future China and the US have united to rule the world. Is he right? He just might be.
The other movie you should really really look at, I can't imagine that it won't be good, is Jarhead directed by Sam Mendes and starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Jamie Foxx, among others.
At 10:21 AM, August 21, 2005,
Class of 2000 officers said…
are you trying to one-up my tree-chopping story?!!
man, first an A with Desiree and now this, which appears to be a much larger tree.
whatever, man.
does feel good though, eh?
At 12:30 PM, August 21, 2005,
Seth said…
Serenity is going to be awesome. I just recently got into Firefly since the Sci-Fi Channel has started airing it and it is, in a word, excellent. I was also a huge Buffy fan...this guy Whedon knows what he's doing.
I've always thought we should be keeping a closer eye on China, and I'm not even joking. Their government is Communist and oppressive and they easily outnumber us. I think they could potentially play a much larger role in future events.
At 1:32 PM, August 21, 2005,
Monsterbeard said…
Lyndsey- "you will see and I will have promised"? Don't even start with accusations of one-upmanship. But it really does feel great. I wish I had a job chopping wood instead of delivering pizza.
Seth- I didn't know Firefly is on Sci-Fi, I will have to watch. Also, Chin is not just a larger role in future events, it is the future event. Everything is going to china- all the food, all the gas, all the money. Which is why Whedon's future rings true. It is so close to our own.
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