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09 February 2006

The Animals in Unison

Right before I discovered Lyndsey's fascination with the occult, I stumbled upon some alarming rhetoric of the opposite. I cannot yet say if these are real, but I think they are. Pets in Uniform? And then what originated as a Craigslist post turned into something far more sinister. The video at the bottom is transcendent. The links at the bottom, however, may lead to greater horrors of which I dare not speak.

UPDATE: One more thing, which is not about animals or horror. I can't stand the thought of megachurches. I hate the idea of churches so big that people don't know each other or that they use a stadium as a congregation point. I started out reading this story full of irritation, especially because of the picture of the preacher and the enormous stained glass mural behind him. But I was actually quite impressed, although still wary.


  • At 12:47 PM, February 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Chris, Twilight Princess won't be out until November 1.

    I guess that means it will out after or at the same time as the Revolution.

    That's a pretty smart decision. I kind of want to play Majora's Mask again. Do they have that for the DS?

  • At 12:49 PM, February 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Now that Chibi-Robo's out, though I kind of wish I had the GameCube here in Seattle. I guess then I could play the GameCube version of Majora's Mask, too!

  • At 10:51 AM, February 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I guess Twilight Princess might actually come out April 1. So I am plotting how to get the Revolution out here before then. Then I could play Chibi-Robo...


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