I Can't Sleep, Sucka!
I had a really bad nightmare last night. It involved evil shadow people without faces who only I could see. They would reach out and snatch people up. It was terrible. I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep because of it. And now here we are and I don't want to sleep tonight. Can you believe that? I'm 23 years old and I'm afraid of the night. Or something. I think it's stress related.
I'm debating moving to two different places and I'm afraid of both but excited for both so I can't make up my mind. I think my biological clock is ticking. And when I say biological clock, I mean my desire to be a professional of some kind, instead of what I was (a pizza delivery guy) or what I am (unemployed).
That might sound conceded. And honestly, I think I'm willing to concede that without changing my opinion. It's my life, right?
I would like to teach myself HTML and the other MLs and CSS and Flash, not necessarily in that order. Does anyone have any good books on the subjects? Let's be honest, I don't even know what CSS is, so that one is last. Also, I'll just throw Java in there too, because that seems like a popular web application.
I am getting a new computer in a day or two and I'm really really excited about it. I'll start blogging from coffee shops now. Or not. Did you know a lot of coffee shops near me don't have Wi-Fi? It's like 2003 or something.
I think all this anxiety is going to give me an ulcer.
I'm debating moving to two different places and I'm afraid of both but excited for both so I can't make up my mind. I think my biological clock is ticking. And when I say biological clock, I mean my desire to be a professional of some kind, instead of what I was (a pizza delivery guy) or what I am (unemployed).
That might sound conceded. And honestly, I think I'm willing to concede that without changing my opinion. It's my life, right?
I would like to teach myself HTML and the other MLs and CSS and Flash, not necessarily in that order. Does anyone have any good books on the subjects? Let's be honest, I don't even know what CSS is, so that one is last. Also, I'll just throw Java in there too, because that seems like a popular web application.
I am getting a new computer in a day or two and I'm really really excited about it. I'll start blogging from coffee shops now. Or not. Did you know a lot of coffee shops near me don't have Wi-Fi? It's like 2003 or something.
I think all this anxiety is going to give me an ulcer.
At 2:19 PM, September 28, 2005,
Sweet T said…
It's like "The Forgotten"... only real.
At 3:34 PM, September 28, 2005,
Monsterbeard said…
Only a dream. Although it sure felt real. That movie had a terrible ending.
At 4:47 PM, September 28, 2005,
Class of 2000 officers said…
wait - evil shadow people who pluck you from the earth? as in Ghost?
just think of whoopi goldberg next time this happens. that always helps me to sleep soundly.
are you really stressed? i'm sorry. you're on the brink of something fantastic -- your future!
I'm going to stop talking now.
wait. all i have to plug, i mean say, is C-bus, C-bus, C-bus.
you can help us find a church. :)
At 11:13 AM, September 29, 2005,
shorttallnotatall said…
dear l to the jo. columbus is a barren wasteland when it comes to finding a church, in my humble and uneducated opinion. but if anyone can find it, you can, i'm sure. use your crack investigative techniques.
At 1:11 PM, September 29, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Where are you considering moving?
At 1:57 PM, September 30, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Regarding stuff to learn. You should learn HTML/XHTML (XHTML is the new HTML) and CSS at the same time. CSS and HTML/XHTML go hand in hand. I have a good book on CSS design, but I don't know of a really good primer on CSS and HTML/XHTML.
When you make a website, you can just use an HTML document, or you can use an HTML document and a CSS document. The HTML document will have your content, while the CSS document will help provide the structure, layout, and look of the page. This is helpful because HTML was never designed to be good at layout and web design. CSS can do some tricks that HTML can't. Using CSS is useful, because you can have one CSS document for your entire website. So instead of replicating your layout information in five different HTML files, you can just reference the CSS file. You'll still need the HTML files for content, but they will be smaller and sleeker, resulting in faster load times and less strain on the end user's browser.
XHTML is a slightly different version of HTML that has some obscure benefits and slightly different syntax than regular HTML.
One thing that's important to know is that JAVA and JAVASCRIPT are two different things. They are not related to each other. JAVA is used to create programs that can run from your web browser (like Yahoo! Games). Javascript is used to do neat tricks on webpages, like rollover scripts. (One of the nice things about CSS is that it can do many of the tricks that used to require the more complex Javascript.)
Flash might be the most fun thing to learn of these.
At 9:34 PM, September 30, 2005,
Monsterbeard said…
thanks bob. that is a lot of helpful information. I've seen some comprehensive guides to HTML, XHTML, and CSS, but I don't know how reliable they are, or how user friendly. Maybe I'll just focus on HTML and Flash to begin with.
C-bus is my first choice. But, I haven't found any jobs worth pursuing there, so my spirits are a bit dampened.
We'll have to wait and see.
At 2:44 PM, October 01, 2005,
Anonymous said…
If you want to learn Flash, you should get either Adobe's Flash-authoring tool (I don't know what it's called!) or Macromedia's. Macromedia has the better one, because they make Flash, but Adobe's stuff is easier to use. I don't think they've come out with a new version since Adobe bought Macromedia...
I have been wanting to learn how to use Macromedia Fireworks and Adobe Illustrator, as well as Flash. Those are good programs to know how to use...
My advice: don't learn HTML without CSS. It will only make things harder.
At 10:00 AM, October 04, 2005,
Seth said…
I don't know CSS. Now that it's becoming a standard, I feel screwed only knowing HTML.
At 10:09 PM, October 05, 2005,
Patrick said…
I had a dream about samurai last night. I was one. It was cool, except for all the people who were my enemies.
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