Watch as this goes nowhere
Do you know what is a really creepy noise? The creaking of a metal playground on a windy night. I have no idea where the closest playground is from my bedroom window, but let me tell you, right now it sounds like there's one hanging off the window sill, waiting to slip into my room and kill me... with secret playground powers.
Remember that website I talked about? The one where people could share their movies or whatever? Well, it already exists. Actually, I'm sure it already exists in many forms, but here is the form I found today: It's actually really nice because it's free and there is a wide variety of media to examine. I'm not saying if you go there you'll find a great supply of underrated cinema, but you might find something to bring a few laughs. For instance, one of the shorts I found was called "Roni vs. Lincoln" which involved a battle with a zombie Lincoln. I won't judge originality, but any time you get zombies and Lincoln, things are looking up.
Does anyone remember the band Starsailor? They were supposed to be big and then it never happened. I guess the industry can only support so many Coldplayish bands. I am listening to their song "Alcoholic." It is kinda sad.
Let me ask a question of those with iPods. Have you ever encountered adding music to iTunes through either CD or the Music Store, then syncing your iPod with iTunes, only to end up losing songs on both?
Here's what happened. First, all my music was on my iPod, so I downloaded a program called PodUtil which allows you to transfer music from your iPod to your computer (iTunes doesn't allow this). I also added music to iTunes with CDs. Thinking that my iTunes was all set, I used the auto-sync to copy all the music on iTunes onto my iPod, thereby erasing all the music that was previously on my iPod. Then I discovered that a few songs from a few albums had somehow disappeared.
As far as I know, the songs were from all possible locations: CD, Music Store, and mp3. They were, interestingly enough, Tracks 3 and 5 of Sigur Ros's ( ) album, "Low" on Coldplay's X&Y, "Which to Bury, Us or the Hatchet", by Relient K from the iTunes Music Store, and a Caedman's Call song I got off the internet. But I have no idea why they disappeared the way they did.
It might be limited to the PodUtil program, or it might be that Apple sucks, which may become more and more true as their music empire continues to dominate.
Sorry this update sucks. Yesterday when I was going to read my bible, I ended up falling asleep. But today I already did, and I found out that Jesus died, then rose from the dead, then told the disciples they had some serious responsibility coming up. Also, you know the controversial moment when "All the people answered, 'Let his blood be on us and on our children!" (Mt. 27:25 NIV)? Well, the New Jerusalem Version makes a point of who said it by reading "And the people, every one of them, shouted back..." Isn't that interesting? Also, what kind of Christian is going to be mad at the people who killed Jesus? That's like being mad at someone who saves you from drowning because they hit you in the face with the floatation device. Am I right? We're glad He died! That's why we call it Good Friday. Can I get an amen?!
Remember that website I talked about? The one where people could share their movies or whatever? Well, it already exists. Actually, I'm sure it already exists in many forms, but here is the form I found today: It's actually really nice because it's free and there is a wide variety of media to examine. I'm not saying if you go there you'll find a great supply of underrated cinema, but you might find something to bring a few laughs. For instance, one of the shorts I found was called "Roni vs. Lincoln" which involved a battle with a zombie Lincoln. I won't judge originality, but any time you get zombies and Lincoln, things are looking up.
Does anyone remember the band Starsailor? They were supposed to be big and then it never happened. I guess the industry can only support so many Coldplayish bands. I am listening to their song "Alcoholic." It is kinda sad.
Let me ask a question of those with iPods. Have you ever encountered adding music to iTunes through either CD or the Music Store, then syncing your iPod with iTunes, only to end up losing songs on both?
Here's what happened. First, all my music was on my iPod, so I downloaded a program called PodUtil which allows you to transfer music from your iPod to your computer (iTunes doesn't allow this). I also added music to iTunes with CDs. Thinking that my iTunes was all set, I used the auto-sync to copy all the music on iTunes onto my iPod, thereby erasing all the music that was previously on my iPod. Then I discovered that a few songs from a few albums had somehow disappeared.
As far as I know, the songs were from all possible locations: CD, Music Store, and mp3. They were, interestingly enough, Tracks 3 and 5 of Sigur Ros's ( ) album, "Low" on Coldplay's X&Y, "Which to Bury, Us or the Hatchet", by Relient K from the iTunes Music Store, and a Caedman's Call song I got off the internet. But I have no idea why they disappeared the way they did.
It might be limited to the PodUtil program, or it might be that Apple sucks, which may become more and more true as their music empire continues to dominate.
Sorry this update sucks. Yesterday when I was going to read my bible, I ended up falling asleep. But today I already did, and I found out that Jesus died, then rose from the dead, then told the disciples they had some serious responsibility coming up. Also, you know the controversial moment when "All the people answered, 'Let his blood be on us and on our children!" (Mt. 27:25 NIV)? Well, the New Jerusalem Version makes a point of who said it by reading "And the people, every one of them, shouted back..." Isn't that interesting? Also, what kind of Christian is going to be mad at the people who killed Jesus? That's like being mad at someone who saves you from drowning because they hit you in the face with the floatation device. Am I right? We're glad He died! That's why we call it Good Friday. Can I get an amen?!
At 7:35 PM, November 16, 2005,
Anonymous said…
At 8:59 PM, November 16, 2005,
Anonymous said…
-Matt and Lyndsey Henricksen!
At 12:08 AM, November 17, 2005,
Anonymous said…
It's difficult from this distance to reconstruct in my mind what happened with your iPod. Normally what happens is this: if you sync your iPod with your computer, and there are songs on the iPod which are not on the computer, those songs will be erased. This is a bad feature of the autosync. I do not recommend using the autosync feature. But it doesn't sound like that's what happened to you, Chris. I don't know why songs would be erased from your computer. Have you been playing any Sony CDs lately? (Have you seen the stories on Sony's latest DRM malfeasance? That's what you'd get if the record companies, rather than Apple, were making iTunes.)
My new favorite iPod-to-Computer program is called senuti. (The name is iTunes backwards.) It works very well in copying all your songs over, or whichever songs you need.
At 12:13 PM, November 17, 2005,
Seth said…
I had written something here, and then I think I pressed preview instead of publish, so the comment I thought I had left I actually only proofread. All I was going to say is that I don't trust the autosync feature for the very reason your brother gave, but the PodUtil program sounds cool. I've lost meticulously crafted playlists by command-deleting when I thought I had selected a single song but instead the list was selected, and then there's no way to lift it back off your iPod, which is frustrating. Also, a program that allows you to transfer both ways would be useful if you want to load your music library onto a second computer, which seems a reasonable thing to ask as long as it's your computer and not someone else's.
At 1:55 AM, November 18, 2005,
Anonymous said…
I definitely recommend senuti over podutil. But I am kind of dumb like that.
Seth: I have my music collection backed up in 3 places (on my computer, on DVD, and on my parent's large external hard drive) other than my iPod. I don't want to spend another week ripping all the CDs I've ever owned.
At 1:08 PM, November 25, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Happy Thanksgiving! Do you like cheese? Then why don't you have some?
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