A List of Things Missed
More than a week gone by with no update. But the truth is that I have been actually busy, not just lazy. I went to the zoo, took a trip to Chicago, and ate food for memorial day. I'm almost too winded to be updating even now. So, I'll just provide a bulletted list, which has been so popular lately:
- I'd like to call Star Wars III frickin' awesome, but it wasn't. It was good, really good, but I think it's really hard to screw up such an easy storyline, so George Lucas still sucks in my opinion. We can all look back at some of the moments from this film and think "what the heck is wrong with George Lucas?" "It's because I'm so in love with you." "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" But other than that, awesome. Favorite moment? The death of Mace Windu was pretty good. Most disappointing? Kashyyyk. And I think everyone should agree with me. I just don't think a dozen CG Wookiees standing up and screaming is satisfying. But enough. That's the end. Unless there's the rumored tv series...
- Advent Rising (which came out yesterday) got a less than stellar review, which makes me reconsider buying. But I don't have a job yet so it doesn't matter anyway.
- I didn't read LT's update until today. I have not been supporting my fellow bloggers.
- I really wanted to post "more ovaltine please!" on Cat's blog, but I restrained myself.
- I was disappointed with SE Engine's latest album. I'm sorry, I was just expecting something more magical. Or more memorable. But, musically it's amazing, just not what I expected. Maybe I expect too much from Rem.
- A zoo is more entertaining than an aquarium. Why? Because it's much easier to think you're interacting with land animals than underwater animals. Which is why the most fun animals at the zoo are the dolphins, sea otters, and beluga whales (I kid you not, they're huge).
- I haven't played video games in almost a week. So much for addiction. Then again, I'm playing tonight.
- I am hungry right now.
- This update was kinda lame.
At 1:29 AM, June 05, 2005,
Class of 2000 officers said…
what was in chicago?
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