I am full of deceit

You probably won't find what you're looking for

07 June 2007

Video Vriday. I mean Thursday.

This is Galactica actual.

It's video posting day, brought to you by YouTube and me. I think some of you will like some of these, but I doubt all of you will enjoy any one of them.
For the Harry Potter fans, you can't go wrong with a bit of Potter Puppet Pals.
And if you like ridiculous and at times inappropriate (I'm telling you now) comedy, then you should check out Liam Sullivan. Specifically, the hot video on the internet right now, Shoes. But make sure you take the time to watch the well orchestrated semi-sequel Text Message Breakup. The real winner, that everyone should enjoy without fear is Muffins. Because seriously, sometimes you just want variety.
And then, this is me being stalked by a mime. My friend, school project, you know. It happens.

More videos as I find them.



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